Authentic, open and honest conversations among professional moms
BLOG POST  posted Mar 16th, 2013

Man Up?

Man Up says MacLean's, Lean in says Sheryl, let's work together towards a solution says Tasha

Who else has read MacLean's magazine's  latest article on women & work entitled "Man Up?" I have to admit the title alone made my blood pressure rise- hard to man up when you are not a man. I bought and read the article anyway and then proceeded to buy Sheryl Sandberg's new book called "Lean In." The book, which was released last week, is creating a flurry of debate. I personally think anything that gets us talking more is good. While there are many valid points Sheryl makes, not every family can afford to hire out nannies, cleaning and cooking services based on their salaries. I, personally, would love to discuss this with other professional moms- let's have an online book club meeting! Watch for details. Tasha

By Anonymous / Mar 16, 2013
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