momcafé is currently looking for a savvy professional mom to run live momcafé events in her city. If you are this mom we want to hear from you! Email us! In the meantime get to know your fellow city virtual members and enjoy posts from our Okanagan contributors!
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Spring Has Sprung!
After what seemed to be a very long winter here in the Okanagan, spring has finally arrived! Just the other morning I was awoken by birds singing right outside my bedroom window. It was such a great start to my day! It has often be said that springtime is the time for new beginnings, growth and renewal. Isn’t that awesome? Such opportunity and possibility this time of year brings!
My name is Cyndee Sapiano and I am the new Regional Owner for Momcafe Okanagan. I am absolutely thrilled to have been given this opportunity to serve and learn from such amazing and inspiring women. What a privledge it is! Thank you, ladies!
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