The year I was born, 1976, there were 39.1% of women who worked outside of the home. In 2009 that percentage is 72.9% I don't know why that number surprises me so much- it is more the % in 1976. Taking time to reflect on what life was like in 1976 for my mom who had just had her third child and was working the night shift at Kentucky Fried Chicken to make ends meet. (I am happy to report my mom now spends 1/3 of her time relaxing in Florida after a lifetime of hard work!). The Status of Women in Canada just released a report on Women in Canada. You can read about it here!
NEWS POST posted Feb 14th, 2013

The year I was born 39.1% of women were working
Employment rates among women with children have increased over the past three decades. In 2009, 72.9% of women with children under 16 living at home were part of the paid workforce; in 1976, the figure was 39.1%.

By Tasha Richard / Feb 14, 2013

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