I recently had the opportunity to see Wayne Dyer speak. I have been a fan of his for many years and am attracted to his simple, uncomplicated messages. I suspect simple and uncomplicated is attractive given that most days my life is anything but!
Wayne shared a simple analogy with us; one that I have repeated over and over again since that day. He asked quite simply "What happens when you squeeze an orange?" We of course, all answered orange juice. He then asked us to consider if you could ever get anything else other than orange juice. I gave it some thought thinking I might be missing something. But no, it was simple as that. When you squeeze an orange you get orange juice.
When you squeeze (ie put pressure on, criticize, demand) a stressed, busy mom what do you get? Whatever is inside- anger, frustration, sadness...When you squeeze a grounded, relaxed busy mom what comes out? Love, peace, joy...
What I know to be true is that I get a heck of a lot more done in a day when I feel good- grounded, connected. Easier said than done! More days you are likely to squeeze me and get the busy cranky side; this analogy however has made me think more about what I want to give when squeezed- and that is my best self!