As professional Mom’s we put a lot of focus and energy on our careers but we need to make sure that we still maintain balance in our lives.
Along with your company name, your logo and your mission, YOU are a representative of your brand and company. I will admit there have been times when I have become engrossed in my business while the rest of my life suffered. My business was really busy and as I was preparing to pitch to The Dragon’s Den. As I got closer to the pitch, my anxiety and tunnel vision was fueled. I was so stressed, tired and overwhelmed that I truly was not a good representation of my own brand. Regardless, I was going to stand on national television in front of Canada’s top entrepreneurs and tell them about my fantastic health and wellness business and hope to God that one of them would be so convinced by me that they would “buy in”.
Increasingly I was becoming more irritable and adamantly declared I didn’t have time to eat right, exercise or even sleep much – I had to work! After all, this was one of the most important events in my career, but at what cost? Someone close to me said in a very calm, kind tone “taking care of yourself is part of your work too”. This seems simple but really stuck with me; we are representatives of our brands and in order to inspire others we must walk our walk – whatever your walk is. I knew this and usually did it but somewhere during pitch prep it got lost.
Regardless of whether your business is wellness based or not, you need to be a good representative of your brand and mission. Keep your brand and yourself healthy and balanced and it will definitely show to those looking in!
Louise Green of Vancouver, BC is a Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach and Founder & CEO ofBody Exchange™(, Canada’s only Fit Camp and Adventure Company exclusive to Plus Size clients. With a licensing package in the works Body Exchange is well on its way to leading the country in “fearless fitness” at any size. Louise’s expertise landed her a training role on the TV show X-Weighted and this year Body Exchange was presented on CBC’s Dragon’s Den . Louise is a contributing wellness blogger for Subway Restaurant’s ‘Commit to Fit’ contest.