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Observing from a Distance… and I can’t hear you!

Observing From A Distance….And I Cant Hear You!

Brandee’s Place – the rantings and musings of a woman, wife and mother (posted with permission)

Today was the day I was excitedly yet anxiously waiting for. The day of the Mom Cafe Calgary get-together. The guest speaker was Julie Cole, co-founder of the ever-wonderful label company Mabel’s Labels.

I was excited because this meant a morning surrounded by adults, as on site child care was available for my two older boys, and the opportunity to learn and gain some valuable insights from a successful Entrepreneur who also happens to be a busy mom of six. Would you think less of me if I admitted I was a little envious? I am hoping to be in a similar position one day and listening to other mothers tell their stories helps me hold onto hope.

As for the anxious part, well, I suffer from a bit of anxiety when entering into an area of unfamiliarity. New places and people can result in me becoming a little stressed so I often have to psych myself up for these things. I can happily report that I met some wonderful women and the whole set-up was fantastic. Kudos to Mom Cafe!

Julie has a great sense of humor, is laid back and is a very comfortable speaker and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to her. Yes, I was quite happy to be sitting there in a room full of other women listening to Julie tell us about her family and her business….for about 10 minutes. Then the unfortunate happened. My baby girl decided to have a major diva episode. So after unsuccessfully trying to get her settled, I had to remove myself from the group and wander around trying to get her to stop crying. She was having not of that nonsense. She was going to express her self, quite vocally, whether I liked it or not. After about 45 minutes my daughter finally fell asleep but of course, the presentation was done. I missed everything! (Insert very sad face here) What could I do? Nothing! Oh dear daughter of mine, you are lucky you are so darn cute and that I love you. The final rub? She was happy as hell when we were back home, although she did have a scary diaper incident so maybe that was part of the problem.

Either way, sorry Julie! Yes, I was the one with the little cranky diva. It was nice to finally get to meet you and listen to your story, even if it was at a distance and I missed almost everything said. Maybe another time and maybe my Princess Pea will be on her best behavior.