Would you agree that parents (and mothers in particular) play a significant role in shaping a child’s life perspective? A few months ago I arrived at a client’s home for a private yoga session. With her daughter lingering in the background, my client proceeded to outline her aging, misshaped body parts that she hoped yoga could do something with. I compassionately listened, while wondering what impact this woman’s body image might have on her daughter’s sense of self.
We are conditioned to believe that a beautiful body is the answer to our struggles and the ticket to receiving respect and acceptance. We even self criticize as a way of building camaraderie amongst other women. What we are really doing is perpetuating the tragedy of poor self-esteem, which robs us of true enjoyment in life.
Naomi Wolf said “A mother who radiates self-love and self-acceptance actually vaccinates her daughter from low self-esteem.” What messages are you indirectly sending your children through the conversations you have about your body?
Starting today, I invite you to be mindful of the attitudes you hold toward your body. Consider this: studies now prove that what we think and feel directly affect the health, or disease, of our cells.
Personally, I make a conscious choice each day to fill my tank with good, clean, efficient fuel, which includes the food I eat, the conversations I exchange and the thoughts I think. The relationship you have with your body not only determines the degree of vitality you’ll enjoy in the future, it also leaves an imprint in your child’s perspective.
Do it today—establish a ‘no-tolerance policy’ for self-criticism, and begin to fill your tank with love, care and appreciation. You are worth it, and so are your sweet children.
Founder of the National Award Winning Breathing Space Yoga Studio (http://breathingspaceyogastudio.ca), Jenny Kierstead of Halifax, NS is a visionary in the yoga movement and an advocate for healing and wellness. A columnist, public speaker and published author, Jenny has studied in India and around the world with the leading authorities in yoga, yoga therapy and Ayurveda, including the legendary Shri K. Pattabhi Jois and Deepak Chopra. Jenny is currently writing a book about her spiritual awakening and lives with her husband Blair, a leading therapist, and their two spirited daughters, Sophia and Isabella.