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The Happiness Project

I have recently started reading “The Happiness Project” by Gretchen Rubin and I have to say that I can fully relate to the existential crisis that precipitated her project and her book. I too am amazed at how time is flying by and am still not sure how another Christmas has snuck up on me. Somehow I now have a 4.5 year old and a 2 year old. Somehow I am a year away from (gulp) the big 4-0 when university feels like yesterday. So, I have taken many of her lessons to heart. Time is fleeting, and time is precious and we need to make the most of every minute of every day and not wait for some major crisis to change our ways. I need to focus on ME time and not feel bad about it because healthy mom makes for healthy and happy family. I have recently rekindled a passion for work with my joining momcafe and that feels great. It makes me HAPPY. I have decided that quality time with my kids is much better than quantity and am releasing the guilt that often surrounds that. I have committed to being in the moment during that quality time which means no iPhone or wireless, just lots of car racing and Thomas the Training and game playing. And you know what? It. Is. Fun!
So, I am going to work on being present and being happy in 2011. And I vow to use many more smiley emoticons in all my posts : )  : )   : )


One Response to The Happiness Project

  1. You’ll want to add a facebook button to your blog. I just bookmarked this article, although I had to complete it manually. Simply my $.02 :)

    - Robson


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