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Entrepreneur Mom


START-UP: Group Coaching for Start-Up Mom Entrepreneurs
6 Week Online Course (2 hrs per week)
Cost: $400 plus tax for members and $500 plus tax for non-members
Class size: 12

A program to support new business owners in planning their business and implementing measurable strategies to build a profitable and sustainable business model. Learn how to plan for your business idea, how to formulate a budget, conduct market research, and schedule your business building activities, taking into account other responsibilities in your life- motherhood!

Limited scholarships available. Registration includes bonus Individual Intake and Outtake session valued at $300.00

ADVANCED: Building a Scalable Business Model
Intensive 2-hour course
Cost: $75 plus tax for members and $150 plus tax for non-members
Class size: 12

There is a thin line between owning a business and buying a job. Selfemployed moms own a company, but if that company doesn’t make money without them being involved, it is missing a great opportunity. Building a valuable business takes long-term vision, clarity of how to build a company that isn’t dependent on you, and the discipline to follow a system to create a business that could be sold, licensed, or grown in other manners.

Learn how licensing differs from franchising, when a company is ready to license, what types of tools you need to build, the importance of a licensing agreement, finding prospects for your license, managing licensees, and keeping the standards of your model.

*Instructor Assessment needed before acceptance into program.

GROWTH: Sales Academy for Professional Moms
Intensive 2-hour course
Cost: $75 plus tax for members and $150 plus tax for non-members
Class size: 12

Most mom professionals feel discomfort when it comes to sales. They wonder if they are pushing too hard, or not pushing hard enough? They avoid the things they know they should do, by filling their time with things that aren’t effective.

The old (masculine) model of business was to ‘force’ or convince a prospect to buy from you. The new feminine model of sales is solution focussed and relies on collaboration and education. This course we will remove the common myths women have about sales, explain how ‘selling like a woman’ is the only way to sell, and the step by step approach of educating the right market, with the right offering, at the right time. When done right, clients ask to buy, you don’t have to ‘sell them’ in the traditional sense. Learn how to find the right markets, what to say to these markets, how to track your activities, deal with objections, talk about features & benefits, and ask for the sale, all in an ethical and methodical way.