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January 26, 2011 7:00 pm
January 26, 2011 10:00 pm
'Fin'tastic's Cuts For Kids
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Unit 102, 1865 Dilworth Drive, Array, Kelowna, V1Y 9T1

momcafé Okanagan…Connecting Inspired Moms

Moms across Canada are connecting with each other through momcafé.  Okanagan moms can now too enjoy good conversation, wine & dessert while listening to an inspirational speaker!

Life is BUSY. As mompreneurs we face unique challenges made even more unique by our complex  families and businesses.  So many expectations from others and, even more powerful in our lives, so many expectations we put on ourselves. How does one balance our need to be MOMMY and maintain a sense of ME? Join Trisha Miltimore, National Speaker, Parent Educator and Radio Broadcaster for a candid conversation on the MOMMY vs ME internal battle.  Insightful dialogue combined with real practical tips on how to achieve a greater sense of empowerment and success in all aspects of our busy, tiring and AMAZING lives!


Wednesday, January 26th 7 pm to 10 pm

‘Fin’tastic’s Cuts For Kids Unit 102, 1865 Dilworth Drive, Kelowna, BC

Feature Speaker: Trisha Miltimore

Trisha Miltimore

For over 12 years, Trisha Miltimore has been inspiring people to find their true passions, to step “outside of the box” and to realize their own sense of greatness. As a national speaker and entrepreneur she spreads the message that life is all about K.A.R.M.A: Knowledge, Attitude, Respect, Motivation, Action.

“Inspiring others to be their own EXTRAORDINARY is what I do—it’s who I am,” acknowledges Miltimore. “On challenging days…hearing how my journey has impacted others becomes my INSPIRATION. It’s K.A.R.M.A!”
In addition to being a speaker, Miltimore is an on air radio announcer and co-owner of two retail stores. Growing up a part of the family business, she knows firsthand the hardships and privileges of being self-employed — and what it takes to ignite and maintain an attitude of success.

“Resiliency is my greatest strength as an entrepreneur,” says Miltimore. “To face perceived failure with a sense of growth opportunity and to get back up under the most extreme conditions of self judgment and doubt takes faith and an amazing support network.” For more information on Trisha see

Ticket will include a dessert, wine sampling, networking, shopping and some inspiration! Advance ticket purchase is requred for this event. There will be no tickets available at the door. All tickets are non-refundable.

**Please note that there will be no formal child-minding available at this evening event. However, children 0-6 months (who are not crawling) are welcome to stay with their moms during the event.

Bring a baby basic (food, formula, diapers,etc.) for donation to the Kelowna Community Foodbank’s Tiny Bundles program and recieve a discount for the next momcafe event!