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Our Story » Inspired Partnerships

Inspired Partnerships

Partner with momcafé

How: sponsorship, advertising & promotional opportunities

Through: live momcafé events, our website, on demand, email blasts, marketing collateral, social media & custom events

Why: momcafé reaches an important segment of Canada’s thinkers, do’ers and buyers – moms aged between 30 and 50 who are professionals, educated, with high incomes and children in tow. This group is the most powerful consumer segment in today’s market.

Who: We are savvy business moms who know that partnerships are all about creating a win-win opportunity. We would love to hear about your business or organization and how we can together create an inspired partnership benefiting our national organization, our regional moms, our members and your company.

While we have the ability to deliver the typical brand exposure, we are looking for inspired partners that we can showcase in our stellar delivery of mom-centric programs designed in part with your objectives in mind.

Next Move: Request our media kit. Simply fill out the form below:

Or simply contact Tasha at for national and regional opportunities.